Why buy wholesale?
Great question! Buying wholesale, whether it’s protein, veggies, or carbs, saves you time, money, and planning! It’s also great for the environment and cuts down on packing waste. You can always freeze what you don’t immediately need for another day, when you do. Who doesn’t like maximizing their time and saving money?
How many pieces come per box ?
Each box comes with over 20 pieces of protein! Whether it’s cod, tilapia, or salmon, each 10lb box contains between 20-40 pieces. Each box of chicken breast contains 52, 6oz pieces.
When can I pick up my order?
Depending on your order you can pick up within 48 hours from when you placed it. Meal pickups are Monday and Wednesdays or by appointment ONLY. Contact us for more info.
Where do you deliver?
Currently, we deliver to Fulton County only. Contact us for more details.
Do you give refunds?
See, here is the thing...once you place your deposit between Wednesday-Friday by noon you can surely be refunded if you decide not to receive your order. However, after noon on that Friday of the week the deposit was placed NO REFUNDS will be honored at that time.
If you don't see an answer for your question(s) here, please feel free to contact us today!